Meaning and livestreaming: On technical encounter’s aesthetics and ethics.

Meaning and livestreaming: On technical encounter’s aesthetics and ethics.

EL Putnam’s new book Livestreaming: An Aesthetics and Ethics of Technical Encounter considers how livestreaming constitutes new patterns of being together that are complex, ambivalent, and transformative. Digging into how humans and technology co-evolve, Putnam and Noel Fitzpatrick engage in conversation about relation and hyper-individualism, glitch and switchtasking, activism and hidden labor and performance and more.

EL Putnam is an artist-philosopher and assistant professor of digital media at Maynooth University, Ireland. Putnam is author of Livestreaming: An Aesthetics and Ethics of Technical Encounter in the University of Minnesota Press Forerunners series and The Maternal, Digital Subjectivity, and the Aesthetics of Interruption.

Noel Fitzpatrick is Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetics and the Academic Lead of the European Culture and Technology Laboratory at the Technological University Dublin.

Episode references:
Gilbert Simondon
Bernard Stiegler
Yuk Hui 
Jackson Pollock
Paul Ricoeur
Ayana Evans
Ana Voog
N. Katherine Hayles
Miriam Wolf
Diamond Reynolds and the livestream of Philando Castile’s murder
Safiya Umoja Noble
Christina Sharpe
Saidiya Hartman
Tonia Sutherland
Jacques Rancière
Simone Browne
Èdouard Glissant
Susan Sontag
Sara Ahmed
H. P. Grice

Related works:
Dark Matters / Browne

Livestreaming: An Aesthetics and Ethics of Technical Encounter is available from University of Minnesota Press. An open-access edition is available to read free online at